Things that happened

Great thoughts about not so great events.

Friday, September 30, 2005


I am a pirate!

Like the caption says I am a pirate! Pirates are awesome. When you look at badass people you have Ninjas and Pirates. Obviously Pirates are better. A Ninja can be all stealthy and a badass fighter and matial arts master but I Pirate plunders, takes over ships, burys treasure, and has maps. It is soo much more of an adventure. I would be Pirate for sure if I could. You could sail the seas with no care ever and just get a bunch of sweet stuff. It would rock. Also today you can sorta be a Pirate still. When on the lake you can throw water balloons at people and jump on their boats and it is kick ass. Being a Ninja would just be to hard to do. In a fight a Ninja might win one on one. If it was a real fight though there is usually only about 5 ninjas together at once, against 50 Pirates on a ship they would lose. Also proving how much better Pirates are. Pirates also have way cooler weapons. The big sword is just awesome. Lastly the clothing that a Pirate wears is WAY cooler then a ninjas. Come on...eye patches FTW.

This is a Picture of my flags in my room. Woot!

Look at the Flags!

Don't Tread

It's a Flag!

So today has been very unproductive. I did get some studying done and I did get some homework done. In true fashion though it is 12:13 am and I have so much revisions to finish. Anyways today I bought this sweet flag. I thought my brother would like it because he is sweet and knows sweet flags when he sees them. I also got a new snowboard tool, mine is gross and rusted to pieces. Very upsetting. I was looking at some new bindings but I am not sure where that will go. I also got a card for my dad for his birthday. It is pretty cool. It seems that I should be doing my homework or going to bed. I just can't wait for it to be 4 p.m. tomarrow. I am not a big weekend person but this week I NEED it so much. Just remember "Don't tread on me."

On another note. I got another deal of the decade from I got a 512 SD card for 20 bucks! I felt like the man. You have to love one day deals!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Test Not Thursday...woot!

oh my!

After a freaking exhausting couple days of to much revisions homework and two tests on Tuesday I have good news. First class got cancelled this morning so I didn't have to get up till 10! Freaking 10, how sweet is that? I will tell you, freaking sweet. Oh and it just keeps getting better. I stroll on into Highway Engineering and guess what?! No test on Thursday! BOOYA! My professor had been in South Africa and was supposed to be back today but has an infected foot and is in the hospital. I hope he is OK though because he is bad ass. Then reality hit...I went to revisions. I have a paper due on firday...horray. I also have a 1-2 min presentation on why I am a bad ass and shouldn't have homework over the weekend. I am going to hopefully make it halarious. Stupid class...

I am not sure what I was doing in that picture. It was about 1 am last night when I took it. I look kick ass though. Like I am whistling or being a fish. I rule.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Camping Trip

Muddy Truck :)

Ohh the mud!

Mudd, Mudd, Mudd!

This Saturday night I, along with 19 of my friends, went out to Stacy's cabin for an awesome camping trip. I got there just before dark with Tom. Everyone else had been there all day and was pretty drunk. It was REDICULUS. The cool thing was the trail back to the place was mud boggingly awesome. The pictures are a testiment to it. It was freaking sweet. Pretty much I took care of a bunch of drunks. Dan threw up everywhere and I took care of him and pretty much everyone passed out about 10 p.m. So I sat around with the 3 other not trashed people untill midnight when people sobered up and came back to the fire. After that it was cool. Martin showed up about 1 a.m. and I threw back a few coors with him. I got home and double washed the truck so it is all clean. It was a good time all in all. Now reality...homework and three exams this week. yay.

Monday, September 19, 2005


I have declared that this class is suckey. It isn't that I can't do the work or that I am not doing good. It is the fact that I have the class mon, wed, and friday and I have to read like 2 chapters, a couple stories, and write a couple page paper everytime. The fact is I have 5 classes. That is a lot of classes. On the pole of I give a hoot Revisions is last. That is right #5. I think the physics, statics, engineering, and calc classes just out weigh english by a little. The work load to me caring about what it is about is just rediculus. I don't like english and this class just makes me like it less. I may just have to burn the book when I am done with it. I realllllllly want to too. I have a physics 2 test tomarrow. We will see when that great Revisions homework gets done...

Jake's 21st

Jake being mugged

Jake not ammused

Jake with alex

Happy 21st for Jake. On a scale of awesomenes this was a 10 for sure. What not to love? He got mugged by friends, Had to wear a dress, Had to go to class because he had a test, and, to top it off, walk home a mile because Randy stole his keys. Congrats Jake!


Well the weekend was decent. I was sick, that sucked. I did get in a mind bending game of cranium though, didn't win though. I layed around a lot because my throat hurt very much. So I really didn't get the homework and studying done that I wanted too. It was not a good situation. To top it off I have a Physics 2 exam tomarrow. That is ok though, I don't think it will be to hard. Finally, who knows what is going on in calc 3...seriously...who knows?

Today I blew the fuse out in my house. That was pretty awesome. Then Tom and I threw the wrong fuse and because they are labeled shitile causing mass computer rebooting. I had just finished my paper. Had I saved it? NO! Luckey for me word is sweet. So now I can go turn it in.

Lastly I am beta testing maple story. It is the funk. Ya'll should play... That's right... Ya'll.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Sucks SOOO much

Oh la la

So for class we have to "Rhetorically analyize two pieces of communication from different mediums." Well so far I see two problems with this assignment. The first is that Rhetorial analysis is the biggest crock ever. The fact that we are "leaning" this is retarded. If you can't figure out who you are speaking to you are an idiot, end of story. The second problem is the constant use of the word "medium." I haven't had this defined for me in the "book" (it doesn't count as a book) or in class. So I look it up in the dictionary... No help at all. I still don't understand this concept of "medium." So here I go to rhetorically analyzing this Ride binding add and something else. Who knows what it will be. Wish me luck!

What a night

a beautiful evening

Well Last night was pretty lovely. As you can see I took a fancey picture of the sun setting. It was a really good time up on top of the mountain. We explored the woods some and watched the sun go down. We also took some crazy cool pics (like the one you see now).

Unfortunatly today I feel like complete poop. I feel really sick and slept from 12-5 this afternoon even though it wasn't in the plans. My throat still hurts pretty bad. I am really tired too which is no good at all. I have class in 7 hours which just sucks. Somedays you just don't want to get up and go to statics, all the forces are against you (horrible joke). Time to finish off my homework and get some sleep though.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


So classes suck I am just totally sick of classes. I don't even think I want to go anymore. I just want to go work some place doing whatever. I just hate doing pointless stuff. I can't take it. I guess somehow it will all work out. I know I am just rambling but I need to right now.

I did see a sweet movie today but I can't say what it is... I suppose I did well on my two quizes and that means I do well in life. I don't want to write papers anymore. I did NOT come to school for that. I have no direction at all. I am a wandering idiot.

I did get a sweet comment about my shirt and hair get up today. Kevin is the man. Well It is time for Mac and Cheese and then some time with the lady friend.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


So I am sitting here. My brain is trying to leave my head. I am writing some stupid paper about rhetorical analysis. First of all this was supposed to be class discussion but NOOOO the class is gay and can't read. So now I am doing this bull shit. The whole process is just sooo rediculus. I am not an english major, so F that times a million. I don't mind the class but reading this book is like sufficating yourself. IMPOSSIBLE! Whoever wrote it needs to be punched in the face and left for the wolves. I just sit here wanting to slam my face on my desk over and over. I have to write it though and my other peper too but that will be easy. I just want to sit down and watch a movie and relax... Thanks class of morons!

In other news it needs to snow before I freak out about that. I am going to go insane, seriously I am freaking out. I might just go to bed, not do my homework what does it matter. It needs to be friday night so I can do nothing and sleep in on saturday. I can only think of snow and snowboarding. I got to do something, homework or go for a walk or something. Hopefully I don't lose it.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Well everybody I joined because I just love to conform to societies wishes. It is about 1:15 a.m. and I should be sleeping. I have Clac 3 at... 9 a.m. Then a couple of papers to write and some homework to do. I have to also visit a Professor. That is all for now.