Things that happened

Great thoughts about not so great events.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Sucks SOOO much

Oh la la

So for class we have to "Rhetorically analyize two pieces of communication from different mediums." Well so far I see two problems with this assignment. The first is that Rhetorial analysis is the biggest crock ever. The fact that we are "leaning" this is retarded. If you can't figure out who you are speaking to you are an idiot, end of story. The second problem is the constant use of the word "medium." I haven't had this defined for me in the "book" (it doesn't count as a book) or in class. So I look it up in the dictionary... No help at all. I still don't understand this concept of "medium." So here I go to rhetorically analyzing this Ride binding add and something else. Who knows what it will be. Wish me luck!


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