
I am a pirate!
Like the caption says I am a pirate! Pirates are awesome. When you look at badass people you have Ninjas and Pirates. Obviously Pirates are better. A Ninja can be all stealthy and a badass fighter and matial arts master but I Pirate plunders, takes over ships, burys treasure, and has maps. It is soo much more of an adventure. I would be Pirate for sure if I could. You could sail the seas with no care ever and just get a bunch of sweet stuff. It would rock. Also today you can sorta be a Pirate still. When on the lake you can throw water balloons at people and jump on their boats and it is kick ass. Being a Ninja would just be to hard to do. In a fight a Ninja might win one on one. If it was a real fight though there is usually only about 5 ninjas together at once, against 50 Pirates on a ship they would lose. Also proving how much better Pirates are. Pirates also have way cooler weapons. The big sword is just awesome. Lastly the clothing that a Pirate wears is WAY cooler then a ninjas. Come on...eye patches FTW.
This is a Picture of my flags in my room. Woot!

Look at the Flags!