For the record the turtle is my favorite animal and I actually do own one of those. Soon I will have a moose farm though and I will moose kicking people all across campus.
Great thoughts about not so great events.
Missing school is no good. Grades are being affected and I am going to start failing at this rate. The good thing is that I am down here with all my brothers having a great time at the Feast. I should be doing more studying so I think I will be the next couple days. I have three exams when I get back to school and I need to do pretty well on them or things are going to be very annoying. For now I will leave it at this. I may post before I get back but maybe not. If not I am sory that you all don't get my great insight about awesome things. Until next time folks.
I decided that I have had it with being "politically correct." It is so freaking stupid. The worst is having to substitute "he" with "she" or "he/she." It has gotten completely out of hand. Should women be equal? Sure I don't see why not. When I call you a businessman though I am right. It is not businesswomen. That just sounds stupid and is a complete waste of effort. If people would stop freaking out about stupid crap like that the world would be more equal already. By making a fuss about stupid things like that it makes the world even more separated and "incorrect." I am sure if chicks actually read this then they will be mad at me for it. Then we have Sprint who merged with Nextel. First off both companies suck. Now they have some stupid commercial about being a yes man and how they get work done. Some chick is doing the voice over and then they go to her standing on some roof. Why is she on a roof above a city I have no idea but she says something like "I am a yes man, but I prefer yes women." To which I say I prefer you shut the hell up. No one cares that you want to be called a yes women. That is just plain dumb. It even sounds dumb. She is a yes man and must deal with it.
Yankees lose. What is to be a great day for the Angels turns into more crap about the yankees losing. I listen to sports talk and I don't here anything about the Angels pulling together to beat the Yankees. I hear that the playoffs are ruined and no one is going to watch because the Yankees and Red Soxs are out already. I am sick of stupid sports announcers and analysts thinking and saying that the post-season is ruined by not having the Socks or Yankees in the world series. If people love sports then they will watch sports. I am sure that the Soxs and Yankees fans were watching the Astros come back on the Braves to win it in 18 innings. Oh wait the Yankees and Soxs wern't playing soo they wern't. Well to say it plainly I will be watching the Cardnials vs the Astros and I will be watching the White Soxs vs the Angels. Do you know why I will be watching? Because I love baseball just like millions of others. Do you know who I route for? Detroit and we suck. Somehow I am watching the playoffs though...hmmmm. The same thing happened in Basketball last year. No Shaq, no ratings. The thing that is stupid is obviously the best teams were there. They won to get there. So stop cheering for a team just so people will watch and stop talking about how people won't be watching if they aren't there.