Things that happened

Great thoughts about not so great events.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Politically Correct

I decided that I have had it with being "politically correct." It is so freaking stupid. The worst is having to substitute "he" with "she" or "he/she." It has gotten completely out of hand. Should women be equal? Sure I don't see why not. When I call you a businessman though I am right. It is not businesswomen. That just sounds stupid and is a complete waste of effort. If people would stop freaking out about stupid crap like that the world would be more equal already. By making a fuss about stupid things like that it makes the world even more separated and "incorrect." I am sure if chicks actually read this then they will be mad at me for it. Then we have Sprint who merged with Nextel. First off both companies suck. Now they have some stupid commercial about being a yes man and how they get work done. Some chick is doing the voice over and then they go to her standing on some roof. Why is she on a roof above a city I have no idea but she says something like "I am a yes man, but I prefer yes women." To which I say I prefer you shut the hell up. No one cares that you want to be called a yes women. That is just plain dumb. It even sounds dumb. She is a yes man and must deal with it.

Everyone is going to get offended by something. Just suck it up and deal with it. Stop being such a baby. Honestly.


At 10/13/2005 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous mumbled...

wow this totaly offends me i think im gonna go cry about not being a buisnesswomen... boo hoo...

At 10/13/2005 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous mumbled...

if policeman or fireman or mailman offends girls why doesn't wo"man" offend them? or fe"male" they jsut bitch so much no wonder why there are no female presidents.

At 10/13/2005 11:58 PM, Blogger Parker mumbled...

Haha, who knows. Jenny rocks though so it will be ok.

Tom = awesome post

At 10/15/2005 2:42 AM, Blogger rixak mumbled...

You can please some of the people all of the time, but you can't please all of the people.. uh.. it's late, and I'm confused. What was I going on about?

At 10/18/2005 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous mumbled...

this one time a girl i was making out with said she was a feminist and i laughed. she looked at me and was like "why are you laughing?" and i stopped laughing and said "oh. i thought you were kidding."

then she picked up her bra and shirt and left.


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