Things that happened

Great thoughts about not so great events.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

And thhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeee

Yankees lose. What is to be a great day for the Angels turns into more crap about the yankees losing. I listen to sports talk and I don't here anything about the Angels pulling together to beat the Yankees. I hear that the playoffs are ruined and no one is going to watch because the Yankees and Red Soxs are out already. I am sick of stupid sports announcers and analysts thinking and saying that the post-season is ruined by not having the Socks or Yankees in the world series. If people love sports then they will watch sports. I am sure that the Soxs and Yankees fans were watching the Astros come back on the Braves to win it in 18 innings. Oh wait the Yankees and Soxs wern't playing soo they wern't. Well to say it plainly I will be watching the Cardnials vs the Astros and I will be watching the White Soxs vs the Angels. Do you know why I will be watching? Because I love baseball just like millions of others. Do you know who I route for? Detroit and we suck. Somehow I am watching the playoffs though...hmmmm. The same thing happened in Basketball last year. No Shaq, no ratings. The thing that is stupid is obviously the best teams were there. They won to get there. So stop cheering for a team just so people will watch and stop talking about how people won't be watching if they aren't there.

Lastly I am watching hockey. Do you know why? It is hockey and it kicks ass.



At 10/11/2005 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous mumbled...

i didnt really understand that whole thing about ratings but im sure that its right cause ur smart???

At 10/11/2005 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous mumbled...

angels 3-2 ftw

At 10/12/2005 9:10 AM, Blogger Parker mumbled...

That is awesome! Badmitten is the best sport ever. Totally kick ass.

At 10/12/2005 6:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous mumbled...

badmittin is cool but im very sad that people ignor my coments


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