Things that happened

Great thoughts about not so great events.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Ruff Ryder?!?

You have got to be kidding me. Let me introduce you to the newest member of the Ruff Ryders. First, she is white. Second, she doesn't rap. Third, she sucks. Now I am not trying to just knock on her because I am bored and have nothign to write about. I am just trying to tell the readers that this is the most obserd thing ever in history. Anyone who has ever heard of music should know who the Ruff Ryders are and what genres of music they are in support of. POP is not one of them. No, not, never, what the hell is going on with this label? With great song titles like "human" and "So Surious" and let's not forget "Yes" this will be their most profitable signing ever. OR they may realize that they are flipping idiots. She does not look "bad" or "ruff" and the only thing she is riding...well... Which makes you wonder how she got onto this label anyways. Yes though you should go listen to her music because it is like being trampled by an elephant and I know everyone wants to experience that. Her voice is not that bad but I am more confused then anything when I hear it. Terrible lyrics and yet I am sure the 10-16 year old girls will be all over this. The funniest thing that surely takes the cake is the fact that she is on the Ruff Ryders Vol 4 CD. With all those rap songs and explicit lyrics she is going to fit in like the Jews did with the Nazi's. I think I might envy the deaf on this one.


At 11/05/2005 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous mumbled...

Wow after i heard rap i just stopped reading.

At 11/05/2005 1:18 PM, Blogger Parker mumbled...

Which makes you a big loser Robert. Huge loser. You should actually read it since it isn't even about rap.

At 11/05/2005 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous mumbled...

You r right it was actualy a decent post i read it and i really like the analogy fitting in like the jews with the nazi's.

At 11/07/2005 1:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous mumbled...

look guys! it's the token white girl in a group of black guys!

did somebody say bukkake?


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