Thanksgiving Break
Well I am going to be a lazy susan today and talk about Thanksgiving break. I had a good time. Went to some crazy parties in Ann Arbor and met some sweet people. I ate a whole bunch of food. I chilled out with the family a bunch. It was a good time. Came home on Friday and got in to Houghton at 3 A.M. which was a crazy trip. The coolest thing from the trip was when this deer was running down the road and I was following it with my lights and it slipped and fell. It landed right on its face and it was the funniest thing ever. I had to drive 20 mph because we were laughing so hard. Then we just spent the weekend chilling out. Randy made a sweet Matrix joke. that was way funny. Tom dyed his hair "Bright as F**! Yellow" as well. Now it is back to school for three weeks and 5 exams. Here are some pictures from the week.