Things that happened

Great thoughts about not so great events.

Friday, January 13, 2006


So I go to buy the nano finally. It was a bit cheaper from MacMall so I got it there. Oh but wait no I didn't. They have what I am deeming the WORSE policy on the face of the earth. So I get this email from MacMall saying I need to call and confirm something about my order. So I dial up the number, hold for about 15 min and then get to talk to a lady I can hardly understand (hurray outsoucing). They have a policy that they will not ship you the products if your billing address is different then your shipping address. I was like "you are kidding me!" She told me I had to call my credit card company and add the address as an allowable shipping address. I very annoyingly told her to cancel my order and hung up the phone. That pretty much pissed me off. I was like "Tom check this out." He thought it was ridiculous. Then he came through in the clutch. He said he heard about a program from apple that gives you a student discount if your school is affiliated. Well lo and behold Mich Tech is since we are Pimp. So I got a 2 GB nano for 179 bucks which I thought was pretty awesome. So in the end I save 40 bucks and MacMall doesn't get my money. So anyone in college that wants and ipod go to the student store and see if you can get that nice discount.


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