Things that happened

Great thoughts about not so great events.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


This weekend we got a "blizzard" according to the news. It was a fun time. I did some Mt. Bohemia boarding which was awesome. Very much powder and I was throwing down some natural 180's and 360's. It was cold as crap though. High Saturday was 3 degrees. I also almost got into 3 accidents. Seriously 3! People need to learn how to drive on the snow/ice. Roads were really bad but come on. The first one a guy thought he should be driving in my lane as I was going around a curve. Very nice of him. The second one This guy thought that break lights aren't important and I didn't realize he was stopping and had to drive up onto the curb to avoid him. The third one I thought I was done for. I was driving down 41 towards the school. This guy blows right through the stop sign by Wells Fargo. So he is sliding threw the intersection and I am like "OHHHHHH CRAP!" Mind you the roads are solid snow/ice. I try to stop but it is having none of it. So I try to turn and avoid him. I start sliding at an angle and it doesn't look good at all. The back end was about to get pullverized by this guy. I try to correct it so the back end will swing around the other way. At the last second it kicks around and I make it past the guy. Missing him by meer inches. The truck then just decides that it should try to stop by driving up the snow bank at Wells Fargo. It was successful. They pull over to make sure I was ok. Everything ends up being ok. Good ole Houghton weather.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Winter Carnival

Everyone did a pretty good job this year on the scupltures. This is pretty much all of them except a few which completely sucked. I personally had a good all nighter as I am sure most others did. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Snoppy is sweet.
101 Dalmations.
It is the Grinch!
Now he is stealing a tree.
Rex is the man!
Slinky Dog, my other favorite character.
Whinnie the pooh.
Tale Spin.
Aladin, It was amazing and too big to get in one picture.
"Ehhhh? Boo Boo!
Tom and Jerry.
He is such a Grouch!
Inspector Gadget.
Road Runner is the man.
Tale spins again.
Shrek 2.
More from the Toy Story gang.
Flintstones again.
Scrooge and the boys.
Homer Simpson chillin.
Calvin and Hobbes.
The Flintstones meet the Jetsons.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Google talk

Oh it is so sweet. Today I got hooked up with a gmail account and my buddy Kevin and I tried out google talk. I know that many of you have tried talking on aim or msn and it has been really shitty. There is to much feedback, the connection is slow and the quality is bad. Google talk works like a dream. It is like the person is in the room with you. Sound is crisp, clear and oh so beautiful. Best of all it is free. So do you have friends who are far away and running up that long distance bill? Well then get someone to invite you to gmail and get google talk. You will think it is the best thing since sliced bread. It really is too. You can have more then one convo going and have convos on hold till you get back to that person. Although it doesn't support three way convos it is still very awesome. Well google slowly takes over the world more and more each day. Are they the next Microsoft or more of a friendly version? Only time will tell. Time has already told on google talk though, it says subscribe.