New year, New place
It is a new year at school. I am kinda having some mixed feelings so far about the semester. I have two econ classes which are just a burden of time. My soils class is cool but the lab has no direction. I have a contracts/law class and the guy is way boring and I just don't like it at all. Lastly is a class that should be cool, Reinforced concrete design, but so far she hasn't taught very much/well and we have a huge semester long project. The project is good, designing a 5 story student/faculty lounge on the portage but with the lack of teaching it is proving difficult and I am not a huge fan of my group so far. I feel like the school cheated us by not teaching us AutoCad. People expect you to know it but it is only offered one time a year in the spring and it is always during other classes labs. I am going to try to find a book or something I think. I guess we will see how things are going in a couple weeks.
I am living in a new place with Malus, Mix, and Penguin. We are getting along well. Our place is pretty sweet as well. All of our utilities are paid for and we have heat and A/C, washer and dryer, and a dish washer. How cool is that? It is mad awesome. All of our rooms are a little small but I am making everything fit pretty good. We have a nice living room and storage area for our other stuff. I think this year will go pretty well from a living stand point.
Here are some pictures of our new place from a little while ago.
My room.
Dinning room/living room.
Entertaining area.
As you can see it is pretty big and nice looking. I have also been getting back into camping a lot. So we will go there next time.