Semester half over
Spring Break. WOO. Semester is going really good. I am destroying up my classes. Structures II is mad domination by me. So much so that I have 100% in the class so far. It has been a lot of work this semester and it is really cutting into some of the fun I usually can and do have. Snowboarding and chilling and video games have been cut down a bunch this year. Which is to bad.
Last Friday, March 2nd, we had a snow day. It was pretty crazy. First time in ten years or something to that effect. I went up to Bohemia with Kevin and it was off the hook. A foot of new snow, 4 inches fell while we were there. We had a couple completely untouched runs, just absolutely amazing, the kind of stuff in your dreams at night. We dropped a few cliffs which was also way sweet. It was a great time up there on the best day of the year.
This last week sucked so completely bad. I have not been able to get any sleep due to early classes and not being able to sleep (like right now). I had four exams and I had been studying like crazy. I got to relax Wednesday night when it was over with some Guitar Hero and SXX Blur. Thursday was way awesome. Did some snowboarding and then went on an awesome snowshoe adventure with Heather that ended by watching the sun set over the lake. Here are some pictures of the day.