Things that happened

Great thoughts about not so great events.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

little bit of everything

I was going to update this yesterday but blogger was down and I wasn't about to wait the 10 min to make a post! Haha. Well this blog has kinda gotten away from what I intended it to be for. I was going to use it to share cool stories and keep all my friends and family updated on my life up in Houghton. Unfortunately a lot of my freinds don't feel the need to read this. I also realized that nothing overly exciting has been happening in my life. It has been a endless circle of dissapointment. With all that said perhaps I can get the train back on the track.

This weekend was really cool. The Heiruspecs came to Houghton for a show. They also brought the group Kanser with them too. Kanser was prety bad ass. I got two of their cds for 15 bucks and have been rocking them quite a bit. So then Heiruspecs got on the stage and just kicked ass. The crowd was realy good as well. I was getting down to the beat and I was right up front and everyone was just feeling it. Then it was just bitching during the song '5ves' because I got two 'sing' two lines from it. Felix came up and held down the mic and I was just like damn. I did it perfect and it was just bad ass. The whole time they looked like they were having so much fun and loving every minute of the performance. When the show got over I was totally geeked.

I have also been doing a lot of thinking lately. Mostly about my life and what I am doing with it. Am I going to be happy as an engineer? Do I wanna spend 2-3 more years trying to learn the things being taught to me? I was thinking that I just want to find a way to be happy, a job that I can look forward to waking up for. I want a life that I can be happy with, money and possesions mean nothing to me anymore. I can see why my dad doesn't want a big house, all you need is a little place to live and a little land to play on. Just something to make everyday the best day it has been in your life.

The bad news is that I think I really messed up my shoulder. That crash on the rail where I landed on it and my face a week and a half ago was not to good for me. It has been hurting everyday since. I have been living on moltirn for the pain. So hopefully it gets better, if not I will get it checked out when I get home from college for the summer. I am also out of shape so I think a bunch of us are going to start playing basketball a couple of times a week. We shall see how that goes.

Lastly I had an interesting converstation with my friend Kevin the other day. We were discussing the idea of the future. The jist of it was that he thinks that the future is a real thing but I don't. You can't prove that the future is really there. That it will really happen. While so many people are looking towards things in the future they end up missing so many things that are happening in the present. The future is no garuntee, so I say don't look to the future...apreciate the present and the things that are happening around you. I may expand on this later because my own arguement got me thinking a lot.

Peace my peoples.


At 3/23/2006 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous mumbled...

well...i'm kind of bored so that's why i'm leaving you a message! i've made this decision for the both of us that we should move into a log cabin somewhere in the wilderness...and make friends with all the local meese...or is it moose? haha any who, talk to ya later.


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